
This Python library provides a bag of Marchenko algorithms implemented on top of PyLops.

Whilst a basic implementation of the Marchenko algorithm is available directly in in PyLops, a number of variants have been developed over the years. This library aims at collecting all of them in the same place and give access to them with a unique consistent API to ease switching between them and prototyping new algorithms.

Currently we provide the following implementations:

  • Marchenko redatuming via Neumann iterative substitution (Wapenaar et al., 2014)

  • Marchenko redatuming via inversion (van der Neut et al., 2017)

  • Rayleigh-Marchenko redatuming (Ravasi, 2017)

  • Internal multiple elimination via Marchenko equations (Zhang et al., 2019)

  • Marchenko redatuming with irregular sources (Haindl et al., 2021)

Alongside the core algorithms, these following auxiliary tools are also provided:

  • Target-oriented receiver-side redatuming via MDD

  • Marchenko imaging (combined source-side Marchenko redatuming and receiver-side MDD redatuming)

  • Angle gather computation (de Bruin, Wapenaar, and Berkhout, 1990)