This Python library provides a bag of Marchenko algorithms implemented on top of PyLops.
Whilst a basic implementation of the Marchenko algorithm is available directly in in PyLops, a number of variants have been developed over the years. This library aims at collecting all of them in the same place and give access to them with a unique consistent API to ease switching between them and prototyping new algorithms.
Currently we provide the following implementations:
Marchenko redatuming via Neumann iterative substitution (Wapenaar et al., 2014)
Marchenko redatuming via inversion (van der Neut et al., 2017)
Rayleigh-Marchenko redatuming (Ravasi, 2017)
Internal multiple elimination via Marchenko equations (Zhang et al., 2019)
Marchenko redatuming with irregular sources (Haindl et al., 2021)
Alongside the core algorithms, these following auxiliary tools are also provided:
Target-oriented receiver-side redatuming via MDD
Marchenko imaging (combined source-side Marchenko redatuming and receiver-side MDD redatuming)
Angle gather computation (de Bruin, Wapenaar, and Berkhout, 1990)