Source code for pymarchenko.mme

import logging
import warnings
import numpy as np

from scipy.signal import convolve, filtfilt
from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr
from scipy.special import hankel2
from pylops.utils import dottest as Dottest
from pylops import Diagonal, Identity, Block, BlockDiag
from pylops.waveeqprocessing.mdd import MDC
from pylops.waveeqprocessing.marchenko import directwave
from pylops.optimization.basic import cgls
from pylops.utils.backend import get_array_module, get_module_name, \

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)

[docs] class MME(): r"""Marchenko Multiple Elimination Solve multi-dimensional Marchenko Multiple Elimination problem using Neumann iterative substitution. Parameters ---------- R : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Multi-dimensional reflection response in time or frequency domain of size :math:`[n_s \times n_r \times n_t/n_{fmax}]`. If provided in time, `R` should not be of complex type. If provided in frequency, `R` should contain the positive time axis followed by the negative one. Note that the reflection response should have already been multiplied by 2. wav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Wavelet to apply to the reflection response shot gather used as initial guess wav_c : :obj:`int`, optional Index of center of wavelet. If ``None`` the middle sample is used. dt : :obj:`float`, optional Sampling of time integration axis nt : :obj:`float`, optional Number of samples in time (not required if ``R`` is in time) dr : :obj:`float`, optional Sampling of receiver integration axis nfmax : :obj:`int`, optional Index of max frequency to include in deconvolution process toff : :obj:`float`, optional Time-offset to apply to traveltime nsmooth : :obj:`int`, optional Number of samples of smoothing operator to apply to window dtype : :obj:`bool`, optional Type of elements in input array. saveRt : :obj:`bool`, optional Save ``R`` and ``R^H`` to speed up the computation of adjoint of :class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Fredholm1` (``True``) or create ``R^H`` on-the-fly (``False``) Note that ``saveRt=True`` will be faster but double the amount of required memory prescaled : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply scaling to ``R`` (``False``) or not (``False``) when performing spatial and temporal summations within the :class:`pylops.waveeqprocessing.MDC` operator. In case ``prescaled=True``, the ``R`` is assumed to have been pre-scaled by the user. Attributes ---------- ns : :obj:`int` Number of samples along source axis nr : :obj:`int` Number of samples along receiver axis shape : :obj:`tuple` Operator shape explicit : :obj:`bool` Operator contains a matrix that can be solved explicitly (True) or not (False) Raises ------ TypeError If ``t`` is not :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. Notes ----- Marchenko Multiple Elimination is a method that allows to produce a primary-only reflection data by repeated filtering of the data with itself and windowing [1]_. The projected Marchenko equations can be written in compact matrix-vector notation as: .. math:: \mathbf{v^-} = \Theta \mathbf{R} + \Theta \mathbf{R} \mathbf{v^+} \\ \mathbf{v^+} = \Theta \mathbf{R^*} \mathbf{v^-} and solved for :math:`\mathbf{v^+}` via Neumann iterative substitution: .. math:: \mathbf{v^+} = \sum_{k=0}^\inf (\Theta \mathbf{R^*}\Theta \mathbf{R})^k \Theta \mathbf{R^*} \Theta R = \sum_{k=1}^\inf (\Theta \mathbf{R^*} \Theta \mathbf{R})^k \delta where :math:`R` is the reflection response (or :math:`\delta` is a spatio-temporal delta) and :math:`\Theta` is the window. The MME algorithm requires a small time offset ``toff`` (on the order of the wavelet lenght) to be subtracted to the window time, whilst the TMME requires such time offset to be added. At this point the projected demultipled data :math:`\mathbf{U^-}` is computed and its values at time sample :math:`t=2t_d` is extracted: .. math:: \mathbf{U^-} = \mathbf{R} + \mathbf{R} \mathbf{v^+} = \mathbf{R} + \mathbf{R} \sum_{k=1}^\inf (\Theta \mathbf{R^*}\Theta \mathbf{R})^k \delta If we repeat the same procedure for all possible $t=2t_d$, the retrived dataset is deprived of all internal multiples. .. [1] Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., "Data-driven internal multiple elimination and its consequences for imaging: A comparison of strategies", Geophysics, vol. 84, pp. S365–S372. 2019. .. [2] Zhang, L., Thorbecke, J., Wapenaar, K., and Slob, E., "Transmission compensated primary reflection retrieval in the data domain and consequences for imaging", Geophysics, vol. 84, pp. Q27–Q36. 2019. """ def __init__(self, R, wav, wav_c=None, dt=0.004, nt=None, dr=1., nfmax=None, toff=0.0, nsmooth=10, dtype='float64', saveRt=True, prescaled=False): # Save inputs into class self.dt = dt self.dr = dr self.wav = wav self.wav_c = wav_c if wav is not None and wav_c is None: self.wav_c = len(wav) // 2 self.toff = toff self.nsmooth = nsmooth self.saveRt = saveRt self.prescaled = prescaled self.dtype = dtype self.explicit = False self.ncp = get_array_module(R) # Infer dimensions of R if not np.iscomplexobj(R): self.ns,, self.nt = R.shape self.nfmax = nfmax else: self.ns,, self.nfmax = R.shape self.nt = nt if nt is None: logging.error('nt must be provided as R is in frequency') self.nt2 = int(2 * self.nt - 1) self.t = np.arange(self.nt) * self.dt # Fix nfmax to be at maximum equal to half of the size of fft samples if self.nfmax is None or self.nfmax > np.ceil((self.nt2 + 1) / 2): self.nfmax = int(np.ceil((self.nt2 + 1) / 2)) logging.warning('nfmax set equal to (nt+1)/2=%d', self.nfmax) # Add negative time to reflection data and convert to frequency if not np.iscomplexobj(R): Rtwosided = np.concatenate((R, self.ncp.zeros((self.ns,, self.nt - 1), dtype=R.dtype)), axis=-1) Rtwosided_fft = np.fft.rfft(Rtwosided, self.nt2, axis=-1) / np.sqrt(self.nt2) self.Rtwosided_fft = Rtwosided_fft[..., :nfmax] else: self.Rtwosided_fft = R # bring frequency to first dimension self.Rtwosided_fft = self.Rtwosided_fft.transpose(2, 0, 1) def _apply_onetime_onesrc(self, t0, Rop, R1op, Rsrc, n_iter=10): """Marchenko redatuming for one time step and one source """ # Create window w = np.zeros((, 2 * self.nt - 1), dtype=self.dtype) w[:, int(self.toff / self.dt):int(t0 / self.dt)] = 1 if self.nsmooth > 0: smooth = np.ones(self.nsmooth, dtype=self.dtype) / self.nsmooth w = filtfilt(smooth, 1, w) w = to_cupy_conditional(self.Rtwosided_fft, w) Wop = Diagonal(w.T.ravel()) # Create initial guess if self.wav is not None: Rsrc = np.apply_along_axis(convolve, -1, Rsrc, self.wav, mode='full') Rsrc = Rsrc[:, self.wav_c:][:, :self.nt] v_sub_plus = np.concatenate((Rsrc.T, np.zeros((self.nt - 1,, dtype=self.dtype))) # First step v_sub_plus = Wop * R1op * Wop * v_sub_plus.ravel() # Run iterative scheme dv_sub_plus = v_sub_plus.copy().ravel() for _ in range(n_iter - 1): dv_sub_plus = (Wop * R1op * Wop * Rop) * dv_sub_plus v_sub_plus += dv_sub_plus v_sub_minus = Rop * v_sub_plus.ravel() U_sub_minus = Rsrc.T + v_sub_minus.reshape(2*self.nt-1,[:self.nt] return U_sub_minus def apply_onesrc(self, Rsrc, usematmul=False, trcomp=False, ntmax=None, n_iter=10): r"""Marchenko Multiple elimination for one shot gather Solve the Marchenko Multiple elimination problem via iterative substitution for a set of sources Parameters ---------- t0 : :obj:`float` Time level Rsrc : :obj:`np.ndarray` Reflection response in time domain for single source of size :math:`[n_r \times n_t]`. usematmul : :obj:`bool`, optional Use :func:`numpy.matmul` (``True``) or for-loop with :func:`` (``False``) in :py:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Fredholm1` operator. Refer to Fredholm1 documentation for details. trcomp : :obj:`bool`, optional Transmission compensation ntmax : :obj:`int`, optional Index of maximum time to run demultiple for n_iter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations of Neumann series Returns ---------- U_inv_minus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Upgoing projected focusing function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_t]` """ # Choose how to add offset to window (positive or negative) itmin = int(self.toff / self.dt) if trcomp: trcomp = -1. itmin = 1 else: trcomp = 1. # Create operators Rop = MDC(self.Rtwosided_fft, self.nt2, nv=1, dt=self.dt, dr=self.dr, twosided=False, conj=False, saveGt=self.saveRt, prescaled=self.prescaled, usematmul=usematmul) R1op = MDC(self.Rtwosided_fft, self.nt2, nv=1, dt=self.dt, dr=self.dr, twosided=False, conj=True, saveGt=self.saveRt, prescaled=self.prescaled, usematmul=usematmul) # Run estimate over time steps U_sub_minus = np.zeros((, self.nt), dtype=self.dtype) for it in range(itmin, ntmax if ntmax is not None else self.nt): U_sub_minus[:, it] = \ self._apply_onetime_onesrc(it * self.dt - trcomp * self.toff, Rop, R1op, Rsrc, n_iter)[it] return U_sub_minus def _apply_onetime_multisrc(self, t0, Rop, R1op, Rsrcs, n_iter=10): """Marchenko redatuming for one time step and multiple sources """ nsrc = Rsrcs.shape[0] # Create window w = np.zeros((, nsrc, 2 * self.nt - 1), dtype=self.dtype) w[:, :, int(self.toff / self.dt):int(t0 / self.dt)] = 1 if self.nsmooth > 0: smooth = np.ones(self.nsmooth, dtype=self.dtype) / self.nsmooth w = filtfilt(smooth, 1, w) w = to_cupy_conditional(self.Rtwosided_fft, w) Wop = Diagonal(w.transpose(2, 0, 1).ravel()) # Create initial guess if self.wav is not None: Rsrcs = np.apply_along_axis(convolve, -1, Rsrcs, self.wav, mode='full') Rsrcs = Rsrcs[:, :, self.wav_c:][:, :, :self.nt] v_sub_plus = np.concatenate((Rsrcs.transpose(2, 1, 0), np.zeros((self.nt - 1,, nsrc), dtype=self.dtype))) # First step v_sub_plus = Wop * R1op * Wop * v_sub_plus.ravel() # Run iterative scheme dv_sub_plus = v_sub_plus.copy().ravel() for _ in range(n_iter - 1): dv_sub_plus = (Wop * R1op * Wop * Rop) * dv_sub_plus v_sub_plus += dv_sub_plus v_sub_minus = Rop * v_sub_plus.ravel() U_sub_minus = Rsrcs.transpose(2, 1, 0) + \ v_sub_minus.reshape(2*self.nt-1,, nsrc)[:self.nt] return U_sub_minus def apply_multisrc(self, Rsrcs, usematmul=False, trcomp=False, ntmax=None, n_iter=10): r"""Marchenko Multiple elimination for multiple shot gathers Solve the Marchenko Multiple elimination problem via iterative substitution for a set of sources Parameters ---------- t0 : :obj:`float` Time level Rsrcs : :obj:`np.ndarray` Reflection response in time domain for multiple sources of size :math:`[n_s \times n_r \times n_t]`. usematmul : :obj:`bool`, optional Use :func:`numpy.matmul` (``True``) or for-loop with :func:`` (``False``) in :py:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Fredholm1` operator. Refer to Fredholm1 documentation for details. trcomp : :obj:`bool`, optional Transmission compensation ntmax : :obj:`int`, optional Index of maximum time to run demultiple for n_iter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations of Neumann series Returns ---------- U_inv_minus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Upgoing projected focusing function of size :math:`[n_s \times n_r \times n_t]` """ # Choose how to add offset to window (positive or negative) itmin = int(self.toff / self.dt) if trcomp: trcomp = -1. itmin = 1 else: trcomp = 1. # Create operators nsrc = Rsrcs.shape[0] Rop = MDC(self.Rtwosided_fft, self.nt2, nv=nsrc, dt=self.dt, dr=self.dr, twosided=False, conj=False, saveGt=self.saveRt, prescaled=self.prescaled, usematmul=usematmul) R1op = MDC(self.Rtwosided_fft, self.nt2, nv=nsrc, dt=self.dt, dr=self.dr, twosided=False, conj=True, saveGt=self.saveRt, prescaled=self.prescaled, usematmul=usematmul) # Run estimate over time steps U_sub_minus = np.zeros((nsrc,, self.nt), dtype=self.dtype) for it in range(itmin, ntmax if ntmax is not None else self.nt): U_sub_minus[:, :, it] = \ self._apply_onetime_multisrc(it * self.dt - trcomp * self.toff, Rop, R1op, Rsrcs, n_iter)[it].T return U_sub_minus